Ulster County saw a surge of cases over the weekend
County Executive Ryan has implemented a rapid response plan to respond to the increase in cases
KINGSTON, N.Y. – Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan reminded residents today during his Facebook live briefing to be vigilant in combating coronavirus and urged them to continue to take precautions. Last week, County Executive Ryan announced that Ulster County has developed and implemented a COVID-19 Rapid Response plan in order to stay ahead of reports across the nation indicating an increase of COVID-19 cases.
At the end of last week, Ulster County saw 45 new additional cases of coronavirus. Ulster County had 25 new cases on Thursday, 11 new cases on Friday, and nine new cases on Saturday, marking three consecutive days in which the county saw an increase in the number of positive cases. The new cases have been connected to a series of graduation parties held in the town of Marlborough, a manufacturing facility, workers at an apple orchard in southern Ulster County, and among a traveling youth softball team. There have also been recent cases among inmates at two state prisons.
“We need to recognize that we are still engaged in the fight against COVID,” County Executive Ryan said. “Now is not the time to let our guard down. As we see cases continue to rise, we must double down on safety precautions which we know work—wearing masks, social distancing, and washing our hands—and continue to keep them up. We each have a part to play in ensuring the health and safety of our community.”
The Rapid Response five-step plan works to identify, investigate, isolate, communicate, and enforce in anticipation of potential cases. The plan will focus on identifying cases through robust testing capacity, investigation through contact tracing, isolation through issuing quarantine, communication through keeping the public informed, and continued enforcement of the PAUSE order. Last week, County Executive Ryan in partnership with leadership from over a dozen agencies including the Health Department, Sheriff’s Office, and Emergency Management, convened Health Emergency Management Exercises at the Ulster County Emergency Operations Center. The exercises included a run-through of numerous potential public health scenarios in order to better prepare for a potential resurgence of COVID-19
There are currently 143 active cases of COVID-19 and 87 fatalities in Ulster County.
For additional information about COVID-19 visit: https://ulstercountyny.gov/coronavirus
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888