County Executive Ryan urges Ulster County residents to get tested for COVID-19
KINGSTON, N.Y. – Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan announced during his Facebook live briefing today that next week, July 12th-19th, will be Ulster County “Get Tested Week.” “Get Tested Week” aims to encourage residents to get tested for COVID-19. All Ulster County residents are eligible to get tested. During testing a nasal swab, oral swab or saliva sample may be used.
“As we see cases continue to rise, it is critical that we remain vigilant and encourage all residents to get tested,” County Executive Ryan said. “Getting tested is safe, easy, and free. ‘Get Tested Week’ serves as a call-to-action for Ulster County residents to not wait to get tested, but to visit one of the many locations around the County now.”
“Get Tested Week” is a part of County Executive Ryan’s COVID-19 Rapid Response plan to respond to reports of increased cases which includes expanding testing. The Rapid Response five-step plan works to identify, investigate, isolate, communicate, and enforce in anticipation of potential cases. The plan will focus on identifying cases through robust testing capacity, investigation through contact tracing, isolation through issuing quarantine, communication through keeping the public informed, and continued enforcement of the PAUSE order.
Residents can find information about their nearest testing location and both walk-in testing sites and mobile testing sites by visiting ulstercountyny.gov/get-tested.
There are currently 137 active cases of COVID-19 and 87 fatalities in Ulster County.
For additional information about COVID-19 visit: https://ulstercountyny.gov/coronavirus
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888