County Executive Ryan announces healthcare provider day care through Project Resilience
County Executive Ryan announces 30 day grace period for occupancy tax to relieve financial stress on hotel and tourism industry
KINGSTON, N.Y. – County Executive Pat Ryan and Congressman Antonio Delgado (NY-19) held a Facebook Live Town Hall today reaching over 5,000 participants to update residents on how Congress and Ulster County are responding to COVID-19. County Executive Ryan and Congressman Delgado answered questions ranging from SBA loans to the testing process for COVID-19.
“This is how government should work. Leaders at every level cooperating and working to help people in moments of crisis,” County Executive Pat Ryan said. “I want to thank Congressman Delgado for his tireless advocacy on behalf of our small businesses, farmers, and working families.”
As Ulster County continues to work to address COVID-19, County Executive Ryan is also standing up programs to help families and businesses deal with financial hardship.
Project Resilience will be partnering with Family of Woodstock to identify open day care slots throughout Ulster County and match them with health care professionals who are in need of emergency child care. This will ensure that those working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response are able to focus on keeping the residents of Ulster County healthy and safe.
Project Resilience has identified nearly 400 available daycare slots, and will use funds from the community fund to ensure these critical workers are guaranteed child care. Since launching Project Resilience on Tuesday, over 60 restaurants have signed up to participate and hundreds of residents have requested meal assistance from every corner of Ulster County.
In addition, County Executive Ryan announced a 30 day grace period for all hotels and lodging facilities on payment of their occupancy tax in order to help those struggling financially due to the financial impacts COVID-19.
County Executive Ryan announced yesterday that the County will ramp up testing efforts by adding a mobile testing facility starting next Monday, March 23rd. County Executive Ryan last week declared a State of Emergency. He also directed the closure of all County schools and that the County suspend in-person County services for a two-week period.
There have been no additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ulster County.
To watch the Facebook Live Town Hall visit: https://www.facebook.com/UlsterCountyExecutive/videos/494816811209974
For additional information about COVID-19 and complete daycare guidelines visit: https://ulstercountyny.gov/coronavirus
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888
NYS Coronavirus Information Hotline: 888-364-3065
Attached: (Left to right) Congressman Antonio Delgado, Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan