Nearly $100,000 have been raised by small grassroots donations
Nearly 2,000 residents have signed up for assistance
KINGSTON, N.Y. – Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there has been a groundswell of support and outreach from residents looking to help vulnerable members of our community. In response, Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan launched Project Resilience last month, a community fund and local food distribution effort to support residents impacted by COVID-19. Since standing up Project Resilience, 1,854 individuals/households have requested assistance, 13,715 meals have been delivered, 16 local teams have been established to distribute meals serving 22 municipalities, and 128 restaurants have signed up.
The County secured over $2 million in initial funding within 24 hours of announcing the project and has raised nearly $100,00 from grassroots donors in the community through GoFundMe. Project Resilience partners with municipalities and non-profits to deliver meals via local distribution teams. Project Resilience helps residents in need and simultaneously provides support to small businesses. Ulster County is partnering with United Way and many other area organizations and businesses to mobilize food and provide other critical services. Residents in need or looking to help out can visit the online portal here.
“With over 10,000 meals served, and hundreds of volunteers and partners, Project Resilience has shown what the wave of goodwill from across Ulster County can do. I want to thank the individuals and organizations who have generously stepped up to contribute to this effort, and I want to assure our residents that we are here for you,” County Executive Pat Ryan said. “This is what it looks like when a community comes together. We are creating a model for both our state and nation of how to respond to this crisis. I continue to be tremendously impressed by the resiliency and generosity of the people of Ulster County.”
“Project Resilience is a home-run,” Woodstock Supervisor Bill McKenna said. “County Executive Ryan has put together the best of County government, Town government, private business and the generosity of Ulster County residents to benefit those in need.”
“The Project Resilience Program is a win-win for the community and for businesses,” Owner of Maria’s Bazaar, Marwan Rzek said. “This effort has allowed us to keep our doors open and help our community. I want to thank County Executive Ryan, Supervisor Bill McKenna, and all of the volunteers who are helping to feed our community.”
A list of participating restaurants and businesses can be found here.
United Way is currently accepting donations and setting a goal of raising $5 million dollars. To donate, request meal delivery, assistance, or to sign up as a participating business or service provider visit: covid19.ulstercountyny.gov/project-resilience
There are currently 243 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and four fatalities in Ulster County.
For additional information about COVID-19 visit: ulstercountyny.gov/coronavirus
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888
NYS Coronavirus Information Hotline: 888-364-3065
Photo: County Executive Ryan at Maria’s Bazaar in Woodstock, N.Y. helping deliver meals through Project Resilience.