County Executive Ryan and Dr. Michael Doyle, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer of HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley hold virtual town hall to update residents on the County’s response to COVID-19 and discuss hospital and treatment capacity in Ulster County
County Executive Ryan calls for County-wide rent freeze to ease concerns of renters
County Executive Ryan announces that the Health Department will not issue permits for campgrounds, seasonal resorts, children’s camps, and bungalow colonies during the pandemic
KINGSTON, N.Y. – County Executive Pat Ryan held his eighth Facebook Live Town Hall alongside Dr. Michael Doyle, Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer of HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley today to update residents on Ulster County’s response to COVID-19. They received over 200 questions and directly answered residents’ concerns ranging from transportation to mobile test sites to use of surge hospitals. This was his first Town Hall featuring an ASL interpreter.
During the Town Hall, County Executive Ryan responded to residents’ concerns about rent increases by calling for a County-wide freeze on rent to help those impacted by COVID-19.
“I am calling for a County-wide rent freeze to, at a minimum, hold rent to its current level,” County Executive Ryan said. “Our office has heard reports of some landlords trying to raise rents, and we will not stand for anyone taking advantage of our residents during this crisis.”
Additionally, in response to concerns raised by several town Supervisors, County Executive Ryan announced that the Health Department will not issue permits for campgrounds, seasonal resorts, children’s camps, and bungalow colonies until further notice.
“Given the significant density and shared facilities, I have directed our Health Department not to issue any permits to campgrounds, seasonal resorts, children’s camps, and bungalow colonies,” County Executive Ryan said. “This is not a decision we have made lightly, but one that is in the best interest of ensuring public health.”
County Executive Ryan also provided updates on the county’s progress to plan and build additional hospital and medical treatment capacity. Working with local hospitals and other community partners, he said they have been scouting sites throughout Ulster County. Additionally, local hospitals have committed to increasing their current capacity by at least 50% to accommodate additional needs due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Earlier this week, it was announced that Ulster County will add 235 beds at the Mary’s Avenue campus of HealthAlliance to treat COVID-19 patients.
County Executive Ryan opened the second Ulster County drive-through mobile COVID-19 testing site located at Ellenville Regional Hospital this week. The new location will be open five days a week and will continue to increase testing capacity in Ulster County. Last week, County Executive Ryan announced the opening of a drive-through test site located at TechCity which tested over 600 people in its first week of operation.
There are currently 222 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ulster County and three fatalities.
To watch the Facebook Live Town Hall, please visit:
For additional information about COVID-19 and the mobile testing process, please visit: ulstercountyny.gov/coronavirus
Ulster County COVID-19 Hotline: 845-443-8888
NYS Coronavirus Information Hotline: 888-364-3065